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Subscription Management

All the tips and tricks to manage your Danger subscription

Do I need an account?

You will need to create an account with the store in order to manage your subscription on an ongoing basis. In your account you will be able to skip, gift, cancel, edit shipping & payment details. Set up an account here

How do I cancel my subscription?

We are always sorry to see you go but understand these things come up. If you want to cancel your subscription, you can opt to "cancel" by clicking manage subscription from your account. Once you click on the cancel icon, indicated with a stop sign,

How do I edit the frequency of my subscription?

If you want to change the cadence of your subscription deliveries, (ex. 3 weeks to 1 month) you can opt to "Edit frequency" by clicking Manage subscription. You can click on the Edit frequency icon, indicated with a calendar and clock. You will be di

How do I set the next date for my subscription?

If you want to set a new date for your subscription delivery dates to be based on, you can opt to "Set next date" by clicking Manage subscription. You can click on the Set next date icon, indicated with a calendar. You will be directed to a confirmat

How do I edit my payment method?

If you want to update the payment method for your subscription, you can opt to "Edit payment" by clicking Manage subscription. You can click on the Edit payment icon, indicated with wallet. You will receive a notification to your email with a link to

How do I edit my default address?

You can edit the default shipping address for all your subscriptions at once from your Customer Account Portal. Once logged in, you'll land on our portal homepage. You view your current default address under Settings. You can click Change address. A

How do I change the email address associated with my account?

You can change the email address used to log into your account from your Customer Account Portal. Once logged in, you'll land on your portal homepage. You can view your current login information under Settings. You can click Change email.